Download Power Electronics Design: A Practitioner’s Guide PDF

Power Electronics Design: A Practitioner’s Guide download  PDF


In this book, I define power electronics as an application of high-power semiconductor technology to large motor motors, power supplies, power transmission equipment, utility aids, and a host of other applications. It provides an overview of subjects no longer taught in most college electrical engineering curricula and contains a wealth of practical design information. It's intentional, too As a reference book that covers design considerations that are not clear but which are best not learned the hard way. It provides an overview of the auxiliary device associated with power electronics as well as examples of potential pitfalls in the design process. The book deals with these matters in a simple and targeted way with minimal reliance on calculus. It has attempted to put the overall design process in perspective about the primary electronic components and many associated components required for the system. My target audience is design architects and design jewelers and Technicians are now working in the power electronics industry. Students studying in two- and four-year electrical engineering and engineering technology programs, advanced students looking for a ready-made reference, and engineers working in other industries but needing to know some basic aspects of power electronics, will find the book comprehensible and useful.
Power Electronics Design: A Practitioner’s Guide PDF
Power Electronics Design: A Practitioner’s Guide PDF

 Readers of this book will appreciate its realistic style, freedom from linguistic jargon and esoteric or unnecessary information, the many simple illustrations used to illustrate discussion points, and vivid examples of costly design errors. When I was in high school, I received a copy of the Westinghouse Electric Transmission and Distribution Reference Manual. This book covered both the theory and practice of many aspects of electric power generation, transmission, and distribution. For me and the thousands of engineers, it has been an invaluable reference book throughout my design career. I hope to do a similar job with this book on power electronics. Acknowledgment
I have provided numerous training courses in the form of noon tutorials during my career with Robicon Corporation. These covered basic topics such as transformers, transmission lines, and heat transfer,
Transients, and semiconductors, to name a few. Attendees were design engineers, sales engineers, technicians, and editors. The tutorials are designed to provide an overview of the field of power electronics as well as design information for engineers. They have been well received and appreciated. The material was helpful to the design engineers, but the technicians, drafter, and sales engineers appreciated the fact that I didn't speak their heads. I have also provided educational lessons
To IEEE National Meetings as well as local presentations This book represents the standardization and organization of this material.

Contents Chapter:

 1: Electric Power.
 2: Power Apparatus.
 3: Analytical Tools.
 4: Feedback Control Systems.
 5: Transients.
 6: Traveling Waves.


File Name: Power Electronics Design.
File Size: 1.36 MB.
By: Keith H. Sueker.

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