Basic Electronic Circuits Simplified by Nelson Hibbs: A Comprehensive Exploration
Electronics play a pivotal role in modern technology, making an understanding of electronic circuits and their fundamentals essential for anyone engaging with today's technological world. In this context, Nelson Hibbs' book, "Basic Electronic Circuits Simplified," stands out as an ideal tool for beginners and professionals alike to grasp the exciting field of electronics.
Topics covered in this course are vast going through the introduction of general conceptions of applied voltage and flowing current. As Hibbs goes on to explain, these basic parts such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and so on can be used by those who are not well-versed with Electronics or Physics.
The book excels in providing numerous practical examples and real-life applications, helping readers understand how to design and analyze electronic circuits in real-world contexts. These examples demonstrate how readers can improve their practical skills and apply acquired concepts.
Trade-electronics is indeed a very young trade; it only started.
About the turn of the twentieth century with the emergence of
the vacuum tube. Thus far, it has primarily been a male-dominated occupation.
The hobby of the rich, or curiosity of a scientist. Thus it permitted for fifty years which was quite enough.
developing more or less fair guidelines for a standard, ‘cut and dried’ approach.
universal training curriculums. Then came transistors and
solid-state circuitry. This is how these gadgets are treated almost.
completely separate subject. New and alternative modes of.
Mathematical development of analysis for transistor circuit.
much more accurate sense than the scientific.
for instance, parts as well as circuits could be created. In the twenty years that
in 1950, the increase in electronic devices kept going up.
equipments manufactured. Every new product gave an impression that it demanded.
it is an independent new system for the analysis of it. Formulas for predicting
the operation of a field effect transistor were unrelated to those.
can be used to predict the operation of ordinary transistorized circuity.
in addition, the formula for transistor circuit analysis did not.
similar to the now well-established vacuum–tube method.
After that, each distinctly different scientific area came into existence.
it has a transistor analysis system of its own and six others.
the helpless technician could only find himself caught in a few approaches that came by.
Unfortunately, he was in the middle of a vacuum tube algebra.
require a complete college credential just to comprehend most of the.
write-ups on these new devices.'
Nevertheless, some faint rays of sunlight have been detected.
it provides an opening for and a.
small changes and simplified modification of the old expansion scheme.
universally, it has been proved that vacuum-tube approaches are applicable to all circuitry. That is what this book encompasses.
A tongue-in-cheek presentation should not be taken as a serious issue.
it will make you go easy on it because that is what you shall treat it with. My attempt here
The main purpose is to use simple vocabulary and levity.
make it more interesting to learn the subject. All too
in most cases, this kind of material has been obtained via an extended application of mathematical jargon, and I will do the same.
employ no more than simple algebra. u:
I prefer to think that this is how we develop tools of our trade.
the most practical results as well as the most meaningful conclusions and thinking approaches about
modern circuitry. The content of this book evolves such a system mainly
circumvents the exceedingly precise way of circuit analytics. Tbe
all the roots of this book are strongly laid down to the
basics of electronics, and surely, that’s the evidence of
the system. There may also be some repetition of that which you have possibly already read.
however, with a new approach that deepens comprehension.
I am grateful to Tektronics Inc.
some sections and parts of several from their kind permissions.
articles and several diagrams. In addition, I would express my gratitude to Mr. Collins.
For their support, I would like to thank William Neill and Mr. Ron Olson.
The publisher has indeed helped me realize my manuscript.
Nelson W. Hibbs
Table of Contents:
1. Basic Laws of Electronics
- Ohm's Law
- Kirchhoff's Law
- Combining Ohm's and Kirchhoff's Laws
- Von Helmholtz, Thevenin, Norton, and Millman Theorems
- Thevenin Equivalent Circuits
- Norton Equivalent Circuits
2. L, R, C, and Time Constants
- Reactance Formulas
- The Inductor
- The Capacitor
- Multiple Inductors and Capacitors
- Graphical Analysis
- Step Function Waveforms
- Time Constants
- Series Integrator Circuits
- Use of the LLOO Scale
- Use of the LN-3 Scale
- Use of the LL-3 Scale
- For Epsilon Powers Less Than Minus One
- Series Differentiator Circuits
- Rise Time Calculations
- Compensated Divider
3. Diodes
- Construction of Junction Diodes
- Zener Diode
- Tunnel Diode
- Back Diodes
- Shockley Diode
- Field Effect Diode
- "Snap" Diode
4. Analyzing Time Constants of Diode Circuits
- Simple High Pass Filter (A Review)
- Adding a Diode
- Reversing Polarities
- Getting a Bit More Complex
- "Catching" Diodes Used in Both Directions
- Tunnel Diode Differentiator
- Feeding-Back-Diode Integrator
- Field-Effect Diode Circuits
- Sawtooth Generators
5. Amplifier Devices
- Triode Tube Analysis
- Diodes and Pentodes
- Equating Tubes and Transistors
6. Amplifier Circuits
- Calculating Input and Output Resistance, and Voltage Gain
- Triode Plate-Loaded Stage Voltage Gain Formulas
- Thevenin Equivalent of Vacuum Tube as Voltage Generator
- Norton Equivalent of Vacuum Tube as Current Generator
- The "Metering Resistance"
- Analysis of Transistor and FET Amplifiers Using "Transresistance"
- Paraphase Amplifier
- Differential Amplifier
- Push-Pull Amplifier
7. Complete Analysis of an Amplifier
- Initial Methodology
- Preliminaries and Self-Test
- Author's Analysis in Detail
8. Frequency Response, and Operational Amplifiers
- Frequency Response
- Gain Times Bandwidth
- Determining Stray Capacities and Their Effects
- Relating Bandwidth, Rise Time, and RC
- Operational Amplifiers
- Transistor Op Amp
- Frequency Compensated Op Amp
- Emitter Follower
- Common Emitter Op Amp
- Push-Pull of Amps
- In-Phase Feedback
- Quiz
9. More on Feedback (Oscillators)
- Coaxial Transmission Line
- Op Amp Becomes Oscillator
- Sine-Wave Oscillator Example
- Franklin Oscillator
- Tuned Plate-Tuned Grid Oscillator
- Armstrong Oscillator
- Hartley Oscillator
- Colpitts Oscillator
- Grid-Plate Pierce Oscillator
- Triode-Type Crystal-Controlled Oscillator
- Neutralization
- Growing Your Own Crystals
10. Power, Power Supplies, and Safety
- Safety
- Half-Wave Rectifier
- Full-Wave Rectifier
- Series Regulator as Operational Amplifier
- "Designing" a Power Supply
- Solid-State Power Supply
- The Powers of Ten
- Programmed Instruction of The Powers of Ten
- Reactions
- Directions
- Answers
Information About The Book:
Title: Basic Electronic Circuits Simplified pdf
Language: English.
Size : 51 Mb
Format: PDF
Author: Nelson Hibbs.